Quality management
In a general strategy of corporate growing, C.G.M. S.n.c. places the quality, in the wider sense of quality of our organization, as a basic management tool to lead the company to a product to more and more satisfying the market requirements.
With the quality management, the company identified two strategic objectives:
- the customer satisfaction,
- the continuous improvement.
- More detailed company objectives are: the improvement of the image and the reputation on the market, to increase the number of the customers and the turnover, and to meet new markets;
- the satisfaction of the interested parts (customers, employees, suppliers), and therefore: attainment of the stated objectives, increase of the occupational level, constant reduction of the number of the customers claims, high level of the customer and of the suppliers satisfaction, the last ones considered as company partners;
- the respect of the explicit and implicit contractual engagements;
- the cure of the communication towards the customer;
- the improvement of the effectiveness and the efficiency of the business processes.
- the use of the most modern techniques to support the customer, through a constant activity of formation and modernization of the area responsible;
- rigorous application of the laws and the norm to protect the health and the safety of the workers.